Cup Cakes/Fairy Cakes

I’ve been working on updating my website.

My daughter is a graphic designer and concept artist so she is helping me create it. But I’ve been kind of indecisive, so I think I’m driving her crazy.

Sorry, hon.

Right now, all I’m doing on this site is gathering email addresses with the promise of letting you all know when I’ll be publishing. But one day soon, I’ll have books here to tell you about, so I’ll need a better website.

When I told my daughter what I envision in this space, I told her that I wanted the site to show that my books aren’t heavy reading. I described my books to her as light, fluffy, sweet reads.

Which also makes them sound like cake.

Which I’m okay with because I like cake.

A lot.

So in the not too distant future, you might be seeing more cupcakes here.

Actually, probably not. But you never know.

Seriously though, I can’t wait to see what she comes up with.

It’ll be sweet! And delicious and uh, made perfectly.

Every pun intended. 😉